Friday, March 9, 2012

Decision has been made, I chose....

Well after blasting a poll out to the world (great response from everyone:) I decided to go with the COTS charity.  By doing this project, I will directly be responsible for impacting 360 lives. How cool is that? 

Many people ask me why do I work or volunteer so much? Do I ever take a break?  When does it end?  To answer those questions...there's no rest for the WICKED!  No, seriously I truly love helping others.  When I leave this world I want to know I made a difference. I have the means to help so I see no reason why I shouldn't do everything humanly possible to help out when and where I can.

While doing some research, I came across a great website,  This website is to show that everyone has their thing that makes them passionate about something.  It could be anything...some examples include: animals, the environment, poverty, bullying, education, health and fitness.  Whatever your thing is...DO SOMETHING.

I found my thing, and that's Detroit.  I LOVE the city and cant wait for it to be revitalized!  I am doing my part to help make a difference.  What are some things you are passionate about?  What types of things do you feel strong enough to fight for?


  1. MB - You rock! You never give up - you are Detroit! Keep kickin' ass and taking names!

  2. Thanks! Gotta Represent the D at all times. I got big things planned. Check back...more to come:)
