Sunday, March 4, 2012

Do you have what it takes to be the 150?

So I have really tried to embrace this whole blogging and Detroit thing.  I truly LOVE this city and want it to be a destination place. Now, if you are on vacation and someone asks,"Oh, where are you from?" If you answer Detroit, you will generally get crazy questions like are you carrying a gun? Have you been shot at? Or better yet, are you in a gang?  Really?? I want people to recognize how great this city is and what real potential it has! But it has to start at home, we as Detroiters need to first be proud of our OWN city before others will follow suit.  That's why when I came across this website, I knew I had to be part of it.

Detroit4Detroit is a movement of passionate citizens, each committed to leading the fundraising for a community project in Detroit. 100% of the funds raised go to the project of your choice, providing a direct line of sight to their real world impact. Here is a video I found about this awesome cause!

I signed up to be one of the 150! My next step is to decide what program I want to start fundraising for.  I was presented with 3 different projects.  All 3 of these projects will directly impact COTS. The problem now is picking which project to start fundraising for?  So I look to you, my friends and followers, help me decide which project to chose. Please use the poll on the side of the blog to cast your vote. Also, keep an eye out for my next fundraising event!

So, I chose to be one of the 150 to make a difference in Detroit, are you?


  1. Thanks Malanee...did you vote on which project to fundraise for? Its such a hard decision. Thanks 4 checking out my blog:)


    1. Hi Marybeth -
      Very inspiring video! I agree with you that change needs to start at the Detroit level and then spread from there! This program sounds like it will benefit alot of great causes! Good luck and let me know if you need any help fundraising for your project! I will have a ton of free time after this semester!

    2. Katie-
      The meet and greet last night was amazing. You should really consider joining. There are so many people there really trying to make a difference for the city!

  2. I think what your doing is commendable, it is hard to support a city that can't seem to support itself. I do agree with you that this city is great and worth saving, we just need more people like you to do it. Great blog!!

    1. Thanks Courtney:) We just need to help our city out a little and it can be great like it once was!
