Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Auto Show

This was the first time I have been to the Auto show in a long time. Usually it's nothing more than walking through a dealership for a few hours, but this year was DIFFERENT.  I have to say, they really put on a great show.  All of the exhibits were exciting.  I really like how most of the of the cars had the actual prices listed.  How many times have you been there and wondered what a car like this would cost...only to have to look it up online later and get sticker shock.  Most of the cars were very affordable and practical. There was only one problem with going to the Auto Show, I don't need a new car.  I just got one last year.  Here are a few pics I took while at the Auto Show.

If you have been to the Auto Show this year, what was your favorite part??

This car is a little creepy, I feel like it's watching me!!

I'm incognito! You can't even see me.

OU Representing!
My husband THINKS this is his next truck!


  1. I love the OU car, maybe I'm partial to the school but it's a sweet car :) Love your blog, keep on writing!

  2. Love your blog! I need to try Cuban cuisine for the first time :). Can't wait for new suggestions for places to visit.
